The “2022 Activity Report” of the Union of Turkish World Municipalities (TDBB) has been published in Turkish, English and Russian.

The 2022 Activity Report, includes the institutional information of TDBB as well as its one-year activities. TDBB’s new governing bodies are determined in 2022 with the presence of the President of the Republic of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, and nearly 400 mayors and council members from more than 20 countries. The 6th Ordinary General Assembly Meeting attended by the local government organization representative and the guest, the ‘TDBB International Local Administrations Conference was held in Bursa, the ‘Srebrenica Mothers Nursing Home’ project was opened in Bosnia and Herzegovina under the coordination of TDBB and in cooperation with Beykoz, Selcuklu and Karatay Municipalities. There are prominent titles such as ‘Mostar Cemal Biyediç University Student Dormitory Furnishing and Landscaping’ project in cooperation with TDBB, Konya Metropolitan, Selçuklu, Karatay and Meram Municipalities, and ‘Kokoşçiçi Village School Construction Project’ in cooperation with TDBB, Selçuklu and Başiskele municipalities.

Within the framework of experience sharing and expert training programs, the 2022 Activity Report also includes Information and Experience Sharing Programs for the local governments of 4 member countries (Mongolia, Kyrgyzstan, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Palestine) in 2022, face-to-face and via video conferences. Other titles in the report are related to administrative meetings, organized and supported programs, printed publications, attended international events, representations and visits, financial informations, municipalities that became members of TDBB in 2022, activities of TDBB members related to the Turkish World and ‘TDBB In the press’.

To see Full Text PDF: 2022 Annual Report PDF