The book titled Altai Communities: Traditions-Customs-Morals-Laws was published by Union of Turkish World Municipalities (TDBB).
In this book, which consists of the papers presented in 7th International Altai Communities Symposium- Traditions- Customs- Morals- Laws organized also by TDBB on 6-10 August 2018 in Ulan Bator, Mongolia, papers of scientists from Turkey and Mongolia, Azerbaijan, China, South Korea, India, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Russian Federation, European countries and the United States are included.
The editorship of the 600-page book has been made by İlhan Şahin, Fahri Solak, Güljanat K. Ercilasun, Enkhbat Avirmed, M. Bilal Çelik, Aymira Taşbaş and Erhan Taşbaş.
An important part of the articles in the book were written in Altaic languages and dialects, and some of them were written in English and Russian. An English summary is also included at the beginning of each article so that a wider community can benefit from the articles.
In the work, which includes 49 articles, traditions such as naming and burial in Altai communities, the values that make up the justice system of the communities, the beliefs that shape daily life, the similarities, differences and interactions between communities are discussed in various aspects.
In the book, there are many titles such as Traditions Spreading from the Scythians to the Turkic World, Customs in the Asian Huns According to Chinese Sources, An Overview of the Justice (Törüg/Yasag) System in the Old Turkish State, A Semantic Evaluation of the Concept of Custom in the Orhun Inscriptions, Turkish Traditions, Customs, Morals and Laws Reflected in Nihal Atsız’s Historical Novels, Establishing the Tradition of Type Analysis from Orkhon Inscriptions, Alash Constitution: Barlıbek Backpacker and the Statute of the Kazakh State, Some Thoughts on Common Kinship Names in Turkish and Mongolian Languages, The Concept of Altay/Altaic in Manas Epic, About the Word “Mankurt”, Gray Wolf in Turkish History, Gray Wolf in Turks A Study on Wolf Cult in Mongols and Mongols, “Horse and Cavalry” Tradition in Mongols and Ottomans, The Importance of Epics in Historiography The Example of Turkish-Mongolian Epics, Values Forming the Basics of Military Life in Baburnâme, Bilge Kagan, Zahiruddin Muhammet Babur Padişah, Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, A Comparative Look at Mongolian and Kyrgyz Tents, Number “Dokuz(Nine)” in Turkish Culture and the Tradition of “Ninetting” and A Reflection of the Transition Periods to the Tales: Wedding Tradition.