‘Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Park and Cyprus Martyrs Memorial Forest’, built in Ankara by Altındağ Municipality, Union of Turkish World Municipalities (TDBB) Administrative Board Member, were opened with a ceremony held on October 17, 2021.
The opening ceremony, hosted by Mayor of Altındağ Assoc. Dr. Asım Balcı, was attended by TRNC President Ersin Tatar and Turkish Vice President Fuat Oktay, as well as Governor of Ankara Vasip Şahin, Deputy Foreign Minister Yavuz Selim Kıran, Cypriot veterans and many citizens.
In his speech at the opening of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Park and the Cyprus Martyrs Memorial Forest, built on an area of 20 thousand square meters in Karapürçek District, Mayor Balcı emphasized that Altındağ is a district that grows and develops more and more every day and he added, “I wish the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Park and the Cyprus Martyrs Memorial Forest will be beneficial. I hope that Turkey and TRNC will carry the unity of heart to new dimensions. As long as our park is here, the memory of our martyrs will always remain alive. May Allah be pleased with all our martyrs, may their graves be filled with light.”
Stressing the unity with the Republic of Turkey, President Tatar of the TRNC said, “Our history is one, our destiny is one, our past is one, our hearts are one, and our future is one. We always say, we have been fighting for being Turkish in Cyprus since 1571”.
Expressing his happiness that the cherished memories of 498 heroes who were martyred in the 1974 Cyprus Peace Operation will live in Ankara, Vice President Oktay stated, “498 saplings will grow in this commemorative forest for our 498 heroes who were martyred in the struggle to save the Turkish Cypriot people from persecution and achieve freedom and prosperity. The saplings planted in this area, which will keep the memories of our martyrs alive and the courage of our veterans, will take root and become eternal like the friendship between Turkey and TRNC”.
After the opening ceremony, the members of the protocol toured the memory forest together. Oktay planted trees in the memory forest with President Ersin Tatar. The members of the protocol, who took photos with the Cyprus veterans, talked with the citizens attending the ceremony.